It’s not what we look at, it’s HOW we look: closer and from different perspectives, getting under the skin of your decision makers to give you better answers. That’s what Oxygen do.
It’s not what we look at, it’s HOW we look: closer and from different perspectives, getting under the skin of your decision makers to give you better answers. That’s what Oxygen do.
Let’s be honest, we can do anything and do it remarkably well. One of our directors has even built a pizza oven. However, our most successful work (the oven leans a bit) involves us in talking to and observing customers and stakeholders and thinking long and hard about what we have seen and heard. We do that here in the UK and worldwide. The following are the areas in which we are at our best.
Want to understand a problem or a change? an accurate review of customer opinion? a market audit? Oxygen draw your information sources together to give you the clearest strategic picture.
What’s unique, interesting, strong, (or, honestly, generic) about your service or product? What segments offer the opportunity, and what do you mean to them now?
What’s relevant about your brand or service? what’s the simple, compelling way to sum that up? Who must you tell it to, and how?
How do users make decisions about you? Can you intervene to change their thoughts and actions? How?
Do your communications work? Can they work even better? What channels cut through? And how will you evaluate?
Groups, depths, ethnology, psychology, behavioural economics, semiotics or simple quant: whatever you need to address your issue.

Senior people solve problems faster; so we never put junior ones on your business.

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).

Senior people solve problems faster; so we never put junior ones on your business.
You wouldn’t expect us to give out confidential client information here and we won’t disappoint. We haven’t got our ISO 27001 Security accreditation for nothing but we have tried to give you some tasters of our work. If you want to know more you don’t need us to tell you what to do.
Looking closer globally
We don’t just do this type of work in the UK. With a carefully selected stable of like-minded partners we’ve conducted projects in 6 of the 7 continents (no one has found the need to run any…
Looking closer at the customer journey
A business to business client wanted to improve their acquisition process, a journey that took on average six months. We thought about dipping in and out but worried we would not get an accurate…
Looking closer to maximise every message
It’s a cliché but none the less true that communicating with customers these days involves a massive range of possible channels. To make it even more complicated our client had a huge product range,…
Looking closer at school communications
Our client had a range of learning support materials and a duty to make schools more aware of them. Trouble was, teachers and schools are not particularly receptive to communications, especially in…
Over the past couple of years we’ve worked on all manner of content including TV documentaries, factual series, novels, radio and websites. We know from the responses of the people who have to…
Looking closer at communications
Groups are fun to watch (though that does depend a bit on the moderator!). However, they don’t reflect the way we as individuals read, browse the internet or even watch TV. A group is distracting,…

Senior people solve problems faster; so we never put junior ones on your business.

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report.

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).

Senior people solve problems faster; so we never put junior ones on your business.
We have a broad range of scarily experienced (but not scary) associates, at the core sit:
Lisa Morgan – Lisa works at the leading edge of accessing the unconscious mind for research and uses these skills to conduct brilliantly insightful interviews and groups.
Alison Drury – Another very clever but fun person who knows all there is to know about public service research.
Joe Yasin – Of course numbers cannot literally dance but if they could Joe would be their Pied Piper
David Douce – We have yet to find an area where David does not have some experience to turn his intelligent questioning and droll sense of humour to (but his knowledge of financial services is awesome).
Karen Pringle – The most inspired video producer, director and editor you could ever wish to have
But we also have some amazing Behavioural Economics experts, semioticians, psychologists, business strategists, to say nothing of our individually chosen team of international researchers.
Scarily enquiring and dedicated, she was a director at the UK’s biggest advertising agency (AMV.BBDO in case you didn’t know). Taking on tasks as varied as account planning for Homebase, Gillette, and the RSPCA and being director of effectiveness for the entire agency. She’s also won MRS best paper. All great preparation for the flexibility and focus needed when she founded Oxygen.
Tall and laid back with ability to see the wood for the trees, he has worked in major advertising agencies with clients including Unilever, (he was a Global brand ambassador for them), Coca Cola, Nestle and AT&T. Apart from spending all that time on planes (and once or twice on trains), he has also worked in brand design, marketing consultancy and, as a client, for BT.
We have a broad range of scarily experienced (but not scary) associates, at the core sit:
Lisa Morgan – Lisa works at the leading edge of accessing the unconscious mind for research and uses these skills to conduct brilliantly insightful interviews and groups.
Alison Drury – Another very clever but fun person who knows all there is to know about public service research.
Joe Yasin – Of course numbers cannot literally dance but if they could Joe would be their Pied Piper
David Douce – We have yet to find an area where David does not have some experience to turn his intelligent questioning and droll sense of humour to (but his knowledge of financial services is awesome).
Karen Pringle – The most inspired video producer, director and editor you could ever wish to have
But we also have some amazing Behavioural Economics experts, semioticians, psychologists, business strategists, to say nothing of our individually chosen team of international researchers.
Scarily enquiring and dedicated, she was a director at the UK’s biggest advertising agency (AMV.BBDO in case you didn’t know). Taking on tasks as varied as account planning for Homebase, Gillette, and the RSPCA and being director of effectiveness for the entire agency. She’s also won MRS best paper. All great preparation for the flexibility and focus needed when she founded Oxygen.

Tall and laid back with ability to see the wood for the trees, he has worked in major advertising agencies with clients including Unilever, (he was a Global brand ambassador for them), Coca Cola, Nestle and AT&T. Apart from spending all that time on planes (and once or twice on trains), he has also worked in brand design, marketing consultancy and, as a client, for BT.

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report.

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).

Senior people solve problems faster; so we never put junior ones on your business.

It's our responsibility to solve your problem, not just come back with a report

If we make it easy to work with us, you'll work with us more often.

We find new ways to ask your questions, (because with the old ways you’ll always get the same answers).